Kids Summer
Kids & Adult
Kids Program
& Workshop

January/ February 2025
Art Workshop Schedule for Kids!

January/ February Art Workshop Schedule for Kids! This winter the cabin will be full of bright colours and fun projects inspired by the outdoors and pop culture as we beat the winter blues!

To register or for questions please don't hesitate to contact me at and don't forget to "LIKE" Journey Through the Arts on Facebook for updates!

All art workshops are located in our 1840s log cabin studio at 190 Hope St. N in Port Hope. Please contact us for directions.

2025 SUMMER PROGRAM: Please stay tuned for information regarding our 2025 Summer Program of Music, Art & Drama.

Journey Through the Arts CABIN


Journey Through the Arts STUDIO


MONDAYs from 4:45-5:45
Ages 6 to 12 years old

Monday, January 13: Paintings Inspired by WICKED! We will create a colourful painting on canvas that is ½ Glinda & ½ Elphaba! Get ready to channel your inner good witch and bad witch.

Monday, January 20: Tin Embossing: Inspired by the colourful sun tin embossings found in Mexico we will create our own detailed tin embossed pictures.

Monday, January 27: Troll Mixed Media Drawings: Let's get rockin'! We will design and create our own troll characters using watercolour, paint markers, buttons, felt and more!

Monday, February 3: Making Clay Valentine's Heart Dishes: It's time to get messy with self-hardening clay! During this workshop we will learn about slab construction, using slip and scoring to create a special heart dish that will be customized with the names of the people who are special to us.

Monday, February 10: Relief Printmaking Valentines: During this workshop we will draw, transfer, carve and print our own linocuts on Japanese paper using softolium carving material, printmaking ink and carving tools!

Monday, February 24: Good Luck Elephant Paintings: In many cultures and traditions elephants are considered to be good luck! Let's start 2025 off with lucky elephant paintings.

$20 plus $6 Art Kit to take home. Register for whatever workshops
interest you! (Plus HST)

Ages 6 to 12 years old

Tuesday, January 7: Axolotl Cartoon Drawings: Back by popular demand we will learn how to draw cute axolotl cartoon drawings and customize them with their own fun personalities!

Tuesday, January 14: Winter Birch Trees & Birds Paintings on Canvas: Using a fun resist technique we will be using acrylic paint and a cool paint dragging technique to create birch trees, a colourful sunny winter day and a few feathered friends in the trees.

Tuesday, January 21: Animal Skating Party Paintings: Have you ever dreamed of twirling around and skating with a bunch of furry friends? This fun workshop we'll create a painting with penguins, foxes and polar bears skating!

Tuesday, January 28: Palette Knife Skies and Landscape Paintings: This cool workshop has us learning about how to use palette knives to create a textured atmospheric sky.

Tuesday, February 4: Harry Potter Cartooning: Come along as we create Hedwig the owl. This workshop we teach you how to use pen and ink to create feathers, textures and add personality to Hedwig!

Tuesday, February 11: Chalk Pastel Snowball Fight Drawings: Out in the fluffy snow 2 rambunctious raccoons are having fun in the snow! This workshop will teach us how to smudge, shade and create fluffy snow and 2 cute but mischievous raccoons having fun!

Tuesday, February 18: Fashion Drawings: Have you ever wanted to design your own clothing? Then this workshop is for you! Using drawing mannequins we will learn how to draw people in proper proportion then draw an outfit for them to wear including fun accessories too! We'll talk about fabric, prints, fashion styles and more!

Tuesday, February 25: Taylor Swift Watercolour Paintings: Calling all Swifties! This workshop we will create stylized watercolour paintings of Taylor playing her guitar.

$20 plus $6 Art Kit to take home. (Plus HST)
Register for whatever workshops interest you!

SATURDAY's from 10:00-11:00
Ages 6 to 12 years old

Saturday, January 25: Jewellery Box Painting & Beaded Bracelet Making: We will create our own wooden painted jewellery boxes and colourful beaded bracelets. A fun way to spend a Saturday morning with friends!

Saturday, February 15: Wonka Drawings: Candy Landscapes February 15th is GUMDROP Day! So we are channelling our inner candy guru and creating landscape drawings made of our favourite candies! How will you design your candy land? Cotton candy clouds? Hot chocolate rivers? Gumdrop roads? Let your imagination run wild!

$20 plus $6 Art Kit to take home. (Plus HST)
Register for whatever workshops interest you!

Ages 6-12 years old

Friday, January 31 from 10:00-11:30 P.A DAY "Backward Day" Did you know that January 31st is "Backward Day"? Come to the studio wearing your clothing backwards where we will pretend that morning is night and create cartoon drawings of Nocturnal Animals like racoons, owls and oppossums! What a fun and wacky morning!

Monday, February 17: FAMILY DAY" Family Caricatures" from 10:00-11:30 Create a Caricature with Cartoon Versions of your Whole Family! Learn how to exaggerate features to make a hilarious and special Family Day keepsake of your family and their hobbies.

P.A Day workshops and Family Day workshops are 30 minutes
longer and are $35 plus HST including ALL art supplies

TO REGISTER for any of the workshops:
Please email Christine at
See you at the studio!


JTTA In-the-Schools Program

Looking for a creative experience for your students in Kindergarten to Grade 8? The Journey Through the Arts In-the-Schools Program brings amazing interactive and hands-on visual art workshops that are geared towards each grade right into your classroom! We bring all of the art supplies and guide the students step-by-step through fun and imaginative art projects. $7 per student (includes all art supplies, instruction and a 2-period-length art workshop). By the end of the workshop each student will have a piece of art to hang in the classroom or take home with them.

Email to for more information or to reserve a workshop.

(Please note: The JTTA In-the-Schools Program is open to schools ONLY in Port Hope & Cobourg at this time.)

Here are just a few of the school art workshops we offer:


JK/SK: Clay Pinch Pots: During this workshop students will learn all about clay, 2D shapes, 3D shapes and how to make their own clay pinch pot using self hardening clay. The pots will be left to dry in the classroom and paint will be left with the teacher so that the pots can be painted and decorated 4-5 days later once the clay is fully hardened.

Grade 1: Art in the Round: "Exploring Sand Mandalas": This workshop will focus on learning about the various types of lines, geometric and organic shapes, warm and cool colours and radial designs to create a mandala sand painting on canvas using various colours of sand.

Grade 2: Understanding Warm and Cool Colours: "That's One Cool Panda!" During this workshop students will learn how to draw a panda using geometric shapes. They will then transform their symmetrical panda drawing using warm colours on one side and cool colours on the other. This workshop will focus on how colours can be used to show emotion as well as using symmetrical shapes.

Grade 3: Painting Underwater Creatures: This workshop will teach students how to draw an underwater scene and will focus on the concepts of space (foreground, middleground and background) to create the feeling of depth and will teach the students how to create various textures (pointilism for sand, scales on fish etc) and underwater creatures including a jellyfish, seahorse and a fish to create an underwater painting.

Grade 4: Squirrel Drawings: Learning About Line and Texture: This workshop will teach students how to draw a squirrel and to use various drawing techniques such as cross-hatching, pointillism and repetition of lines to create visual rhythm and texture in their squirrels fur and the setting of their drawing.

Grade 5: Birch Tree Landscape Paintings: This workshop will focus on understanding how to compose a landscape and using shading and cast shadows that create the illusion of depth in a landscape painting.

Grade 6: Caricatures: This workshop will teach students about the rules of proportion for the human face. After understanding proportion we will break the rules and exaggerate a facial feature to create a funny caricature of ourselves.

Grade 7: Drawing Trees Inspired by Emily Carr: This workshop will teach students about how to use lines for expressive purposes while creating a landscape drawing inspired by Canadian artist Emily Carr. The workshop will also introduce students to using texture and value in their drawings of trees using chalk pastels.

Grade 8: Cubist Portrait Paintings Inspired by Picasso: This workshop will investigate Cubist portraits and how artists such as Picasso broke up and analyzed three dimensional shapes and reassembled them on the page. During this workshop we will analyze the shapes used in the human face and reassemble them to create our own Cubist self-portrait paintings.

I would also be happy to discuss the individual needs of your students and customize a lesson to suit your individualized learning goals and units.

2023 Diamond Winner: Best Art School/Instruction: Journey Through the Arts

2023 Platinum Winner: Best Local Artist: Christine Benson

2023 Gold Winner: Best Kids Camps: Journey Through the Arts

For Ages 6 to 13 years old

Are you stuck for a creative and fun way to celebrate your child's birthday? Why not hold a party at the log cabin at the Journey Through the Arts studio! Parties include:

- a 1 hour art project
- 30 minutes for cake and/or presents

Birthday Party packages include:

- a customized art project based on what the birthday child would like to do (painting, cartooning, drawing, clay sculpture etc) and a customized subject matter (their favourite animal, cartoon character). Email Christine to discuss all of the art media options AND subject matter available.
- includes all art supplies
- an art-themed goodie bag for each participant

Cost: $18 plus HST per child
**Parties can be booked to suit your schedule


Book Your Own Time With Friends at the Studio!

New Year’s Resolutions are easy to break aren't they? But if you made a resolution to do something fun, to learn something new or be creative I’ve made a cozy & inviting studio space for you at the Journey Through the Arts log cabin. Come and spend a couple of hours with your friends and pick a project you have always wanted to try:

What are YOU interested in exploring? Landscapes, animals, gardens, abstract? The art supplies are ready! Feel free to contact me to reserve a customized time during the day Monday to Friday between the hours of 10:00am to 2:00pm and create a project for you! Connect with your creative side and with your friends in a fun and relaxing environment. $30 per person for a 1.5 hour private workshop (includes all art supplies). Please email the studio at for more information or to book your workshop!

I hope to see you all at the cabin studio!


Journey Through the Arts


Fall Art Workshops for Kids
Fall Art Workshops for Kids
Fall Art Workshops for Kids
Fall Art Workshops for Kids
Fall Art Workshops for Kids


Below is an alphabetized list of art workshops that are taught at the studio. Workshops can be customized to suit any age of student- from young child (ages 6 and up) to adult.

Each workshop focuses on a particular technique and/or art movement. Art workshops for children are held on Saturday’s from 10:00-11:00 and private lessons can be booked throughout the week at your convenience. For more information about any of the workshops listed below and scheduling please contact Christine at the studio!


A Trip to Japan- Brush and Ink Painting
About Pointillist Painting
Acrylic Painting
All About Egyptian Art- Hieroglyphic Alphabet Paintings
All About Skies
Autumn Chalk Pastel Landscapes


Becoming a Sculptor Using Clay
Being a Fashion Designer
Bold Self Portraits in Oil Pastel


Cartoon Art and Comic Strips
Cave Drawings
CD Cover Design and Responding to Music with Art
Celebrating Chinese New Year- Chinese Zodiac Animals
Celtic Art- Design Elements of Celtic Art
Ceramic Tiles Inspired by Greek Art
Collage and Assemblages
Contour Drawing
Creating a Fresco
Creating a Mandala
Creating a Navajo Sand Painting
Creating Cool Resist Drawings- Scratchboard
Creating Functional Art
Creating Monoprints
Creating Moveable Drawing Mannequins
Creating Trees- A Mixed Media Workshop
Cubist Paintings


Dare to Make Prints – Linocuts
Decorating Easter Eggs- Decoupage and Wax Resist
Delicate Ink Trees
Drawing Figures
Drawing Horses
Drawing Underwater Creatures
Drawing Your Pet
Dream Drawings and Surrealism


Everything You Need to Know About Drawing


Fantasy Tree Drawings Using Chalk and Charcoal


Handmade Paper Pictures- Papermaking


Illuminated Letters
Imaginary Beasts
Ink & Pastel Pets
Inspired by Africa- African Masks and Their Meanings
Inspired by Australia- Australian Aboriginal Art


Japanese Watercolour Fans
Jewellery-Making- what do Colours Mean?
Jungle Paintings




Learning About Abstract Art


Magnificent Glass Mosaics
Making a Family Art Quilt
Making a Paper Mola
Making a Stick and Elastic Book
Mixed Media Drawings
Mixed Media Assemblage
Mother’s Day Gift Stones- Examples of Symbols and Their Meanings


Needle Felting


Outdoor Drawing Workshop
Owl Paintings on Canvas


Painting With Chocolate
Painting Birch Trees
Painting Figures
Painting Flowerpots
Painting on Glass
Painting Perspective
Painting to Music
Painting Trees in Full Bloom
Painting with Paper
Paper Batik
Paper Quilling
Pen and Ink Owls
Personality Portraits
Photo Collage
Picture Book Illustration


Recycled Paper Jewellery


Screenprinting on Fabric
Screenprinting on Paper
Sculptures in Clay
Self Portraits Inspired by Pop Art
Shibori and Tie-Dyeing
Soapstone Sculpture


T-shirt Painting


Wacky Wire Insects
Watercolour Animals
Wax Resist Drawings using Watercolour and Oil Pastels
Windchimes Made out of Found Objects
Winter Trees- Painting the Canadian Landscape in Winter
Wire Sculptures
Wish Flags
Wish Scrolls


Zodiac Banners



These workshops are aimed at adults who are looking for something creative and rewarding to fill their evenings! Whether you are looking to experiment, to try something new, to rekindle your creativity or to just have some fun, these workshops are a perfect way to introduce you to art making... The workshops are designed for beginners and will teach in a laid back and relaxed manner through demonstrations and examples. Workshops include printmaking, silk painting, watercolour, felt-making and more. All workshops are held at the JTTA log-cabin studio at 190 Hope St., Port Hope. Workshops are scheduled both during the week and on weekends to accommodate a variety of schedules. For more information on upcoming workshops please contact Christine at the studio!


What Else is Happening at the Studio?


Adult Visual Art Workshops: Have you always wanted to explore your creative side? If so, these workshops are a great chance to learn something new! All workshops are taught in a hand-on, laid-back manner. Make it a ladies night out… bring a friend! Workshops are $30 each and include all art supplies. A schedule of Adult Workshops will be announced soon.


Journey Through the Arts
190 Hope St. N., Port Hope, ON L1A 2P4